18 April 2012

I want them! Wedge Trainers

It was love at first sight, even though wedge trainers look like a little risky... but they must be so comfortable and of course they will make you look slender at the same time. Perfect for a casual and stylish everyday outfit with jeans, jeggings or imitation leather pants. Do you like them? I can't wait to get a pair of them.
These are from Ash.

Amor a primera vista! y eso que pueden parecer arriesgados pero deben ser comodísimos y además estilizan la figura más que unos "trainers" normales. Perfectos para el día a día, un look casual con un toque chic; combínalos con jeans, leggins o pantalones de polipiel. ¿Qué os parecen?
Estos son de Ash.

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