- Publicar la foto del premio.
- Mencionar al blog que nos ha premiado.
- Mencionar al blog que nos ha premiado.
- Y elegir a tus 5 blogs.
Ahí van mis 5 premiados! espero que os gusten tanto como a mi:
- La Chica del Sábado: outfits con un punto grunge combinados con accesorios muy originales.
- The Weekenders: tres chicas con un blog de moda al más puro estilo fin de semana.
- The Weekenders: tres chicas con un blog de moda al más puro estilo fin de semana.
- About the nice things: ideas muy originales y DIY preciosos.
Que paséis un buen día! Gracias otra vez a todos y todas los que tienen un par de minutitos cada día para visitarnos y dejar un comentario :)
Our First Award! The Sandal Girl has awarded The109Block with the Liebster Blog award for blogs whose followers are less than 100. The conditions to receive this fantastic award are:
- Mention the that blog chose you.
- Publish the picture of the award.
- And choose 5 blogs whose followers are less than 100 to get the award (published below). Hope you love them!
- Fashion by Elena
- Sweet Heels
- La Chica del Sábado
Thanks again for your support and for having some time everyday to visit us and to leave some comments, you're the best!!
Que paséis un buen día! Gracias otra vez a todos y todas los que tienen un par de minutitos cada día para visitarnos y dejar un comentario :)
Our First Award! The Sandal Girl has awarded The109Block with the Liebster Blog award for blogs whose followers are less than 100. The conditions to receive this fantastic award are:
- Mention the that blog chose you.
- Publish the picture of the award.
- And choose 5 blogs whose followers are less than 100 to get the award (published below). Hope you love them!
- Fashion by Elena
- Sweet Heels
- La Chica del Sábado
Thanks again for your support and for having some time everyday to visit us and to leave some comments, you're the best!!